Fear and Prejudice: Transgender Experiences in the Organizational Context





gender identity; organizations; Queer Theory


The discrimination against genders in the work relations were already  object of many studies, however, there is a gap with regard to the experiences of transgender people within organizations. In this sensefrom the view of the Queer Theory, of deconstruction and questioning of conventional categories, we seek to analyze the experiences of transgender people in organizations, regarding the forms of discrimination in work relations. Therefore, we carry out an empirical research, interviewing eight transgender people about them work experiences. As results, we show the different forms of prejudice and discrimination against perceived by the people interviewed in work relationships, as well as the social and psychological implications these may cause. These results point to the necessity of  expand  studies about of the presence of transgender people in the organizations, under a view of deconstruction of gender and sexuality.



How to Cite

Borges Candido, L., & Medeiros, C. R. de O. . (2021). Fear and Prejudice: Transgender Experiences in the Organizational Context. Perspectivas Contemporâneas - Contemporary Perspectives, 16, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.54372/pc.2021.v16.3429



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