Prevalence of seropositivity for congenital syphilis in a city from Central-South Region of Rio Grande do Sul




Congenital Syphilis, Gestational Syphilis, Public Health


In Treponema pallidum is recognized worldwide as the causative agent of Syphilis. This infection can promote Congenital Syphilis (CS) that results from vertical transmission in pregnancy, and may progress to neurosyphilis, leading to prematurity and even abortion as a consequence. CS is a serious public health problem worldwide. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of congenital syphilis in the maternity of Nossa Senhora Aparecida de Camaquã/RS Hospital (NSAH). This retrospective cross-sectional study has included all cases of CS that occurred in 2019, identified by active search of pregnant women in hospital's computerized database. Qualitative variables were verified by Pearson's chi-square test and Fisher's exact test. Quantitative data were compared by Student's t-test. All analyzes were bilateral with 5% of significance level (p < 0.05). Gestational Syphilis (GS) frequency was 4.4% (24/545), while CS was detected in 2.0% (11/545). The frequency of GS was higher in July, November, and December 2019 (p < 0.05) and was associated with the mother's skin color (white) and gestation time (1st and 2nd semester). CS was associated with mothers' age (21 to 25 years) (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between the ages of GS and CS cases and those that presented negative results (p > 0.05). The results can serve as a basis for developing actions to promote health, prevention and assistance to pregnant women, seeking understanding the determining factors in approach of syphilis during pregnancy, either due to problems in diagnosis or in treatment offered to pregnant women and their partners.

Author Biographies

Thalisson Pitana, Universidade Luterana do Brasil

Biomédico graduado pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil.


Jonas Wolf, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular Aplicada à Saúde, Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA), Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Biomédico, Mestre e Doutor em Biologia Celular e Molecular aplicada à saúde pela Universidade Luterana do Brasil.


Allyne Grando, Universidade Luterana do Brasil

Biomédica, Mestre em Biologia Celular e Molecular aplicada à saúde e professora adjunta ao curso de Biomedicina da Universidade Luterana do Brasil.




How to Cite

Pitana, T., Wolf, J., & Grando, A. (2022). Prevalence of seropositivity for congenital syphilis in a city from Central-South Region of Rio Grande do Sul. SaBios- Journal of Health and Biology, 17(1), 1–11.